Sunday, August 16, 2009


Just got back from a great weekend visiting Trevor, Tara, and their adorable new son Sean in Minden Nevada / Lake Tahoe (and at Laura's demand, we're posting about it right away - the blog police are on us!). The area is beautiful, and quite a dramatic change of scenery from our downtown views in San Diego. For example, here's a look at the view from our front window, and from Trevor & Tara's:


Just a bit different right? It was really cool sitting back and thinking about all the cool and different places we've seen so far in this year long west-coast venture. Another contrast, our beach in Coronado, and Zephyr Cove Beach at Lake Tahoe:

Trev and Tara were great hosts and took us to their beach, and for a gorgeous drive all around Lake Tahoe for some amazing sights. Other activities included re-visiting our favorite college video games (SSX Tricky marathon), and discovering some new favorites (wii fit challenges), another epic Burger challenge, with Matt edging Trevor with a 3-2 vote, knotting the series at 1-1. Something tells me some serious heart-burn is in order for the tie-breaker whenever that next occurs! Trev also showed off his skills with some pizza and ribs - we were very well fed. Speaking of well fed, one of the funniest moments of the weekend came when Al held baby Sean for the first time. Sean tried to latch on to al's nipple and get some milk! Trev must have been showing him Meet the Parents. Sean also kept us entertained with his squeaking bubble noises.... he's such a sweet happy baby. Tara is a rock-star being up with him all hours of the night, and Trev apparently had a case of diaper-changing amnesia one night.

Everyone survived the weekend unharmed, surviving some ATV jumps, a trip to the 'grocery store' by the boys that involved ammo and targets, and a freak choking gas that was emitted from slicing some cooked jalapenos that nearly suffocated Matt and Trev in the kitchen.

We finished the weekend out with a quick stop at Riverwalk in Reno before our flight back to San Diego.

Thanks again Trev, Tara, and Sean for a great weekend (and for loaning us your camera when ours decided to stop working). For lots more pics:


  1. It's spelled NEvada!
    Nice pics - like the Tahoe beach - does it have a bath room? Luckily I know you well enough to realize that the bike pic with you under the ramp was staged. Sean is adorable - looks like he will be a formidable team member some day

  2. Matt's job is proof-reading, I obv know how its spelled, just type-o'd.

  3. It does have a b-room as well as a nice bar and grill for cocktails & grub and I believe they serve dos equis...the other nice part is that there is a Harrahs right up the street in South Tahoe...

  4. Franny, I'm very proud of you for posting so quickly!! THANKS! Looks like you guys had a great trip!!

  5. Laura - Good work putting the heat on her....looks like Franny will finally keep pace with her duties...haha

  6. So if I visit in Feb, we're road tripping to Tahoe? B-room and dos-equiis - what more could you ask for - Let's see how many Harrah's across the country I can lose at!

  7. Looks like you had tons of fun-sorry we couldn't make it out there. Clearly, I would not have affected the burger vote, but I know Gilmore would've enjoyed it! Looks like you guys are having a fun summer-we miss you in the sauna that is Philadelphia in August!!!

  8. Yeah - it would have made it interesting...I think Trevor and I both brought our A games this time, I just happen to have the wind blow in my direction this time...although we don't miss the heat, we definitely miss hanging out with our much so we may even consider moving into the art museum area when we get back depending on where we have jobs and what you guys do...anyway we will just have to figure out a way to have a cook-off when everyone is back in town...learning lots of new stuff out here given I spend 3-4 hrs a day watching the food network while working...
