Monday, October 26, 2009


So we aren’t exactly good at keeping up with our blogging. But can you blame us – it’s still clear skies and 70 degrees, so there’s better things to do than sit at the computer to blog. Like Sunday morning, we got up, laid on the beach, and then came back to watch football and baseball. It’s a rough life out here.

A few of the big stories from the past couple of months:

We saw Greg and his men off for their deployment on 9/18. Earlier he gave us a cool tour of his ‘home’ for the next 7 months, the USS Rushmore. It was cool to see where he will be doing his pull ups, sleeping, and drinking French vanilla coffee with his fellow officers. He also got to show off his bad @$$ vehicles as we watched him lead them into the water and out to ship. Along with the other families there, we ran out on the rocky jetty to follow them. Only 1 cut toe resulting was pretty successful. But in all seriousness, big thank you to Greg and his comrades, and we’re looking forward to their safe return in April.

We had another trip back East, this time to NJ/NY for cousin Danielle and Anthony’s wedding. Of course Gevarters and Rengstls could not sit at a dinner table without some form of ‘food fight’ occurring….FYI if you’re going to have Good N’ Plenties at your wedding, you may want to think twice about inviting a family like us. Great time was had by all.

Matt then stayed in PA for the next week, and then went down to OBX for the annual DiGiulio men’s golf trip. There was a lot of golf, beer, and a mild case of the Irish flu for Matt. Amber, we need to get started on the girl’s weekend – I’m thinking Adam’s birthday? 

There was actually some “gloomy” weather for about a week, where it was a tad overcast (a few clouds here and there) and was barely reaching the high 60s. But that streak is over and its been like perfect summer weather again.

Downtown San Diego is a great place for football. Since it’s such a transplant city, you go out and it’s like a commercial for the NFL with fans in every jersey. It’s nice to go out in our Giants and Cowboys jerseys and not get stares like we have a death wish like we do in Philly. We also went to Pacific Beach for our first PSU game with the San Diego Alumni chapter. Now we’re gearin’ up for a World Series clash of loyalties in our household. While Franny has adopted the Phils as a “home away from hometown” team while in Philly, true loyalty will always lie with the Yankees.

Birthday Shout-outs:
Welcome to the world to Jackson Joseph Gilmore! We are so excited to meet him and can hardly wait. Congrats to the Gilmores.

Happy Birthday to Phil – we hope you were able to peel yourself away from the computer (that includes your iPhone) long enough to do some celebrating.

Pics from everything:

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